If you are in London, be sure to visit Buckingham Palace, which is…
 (*ответ*) the London residence of the Queen.
 the official residence of the Lord Mayor of London.
 the seat of British Parliament.
 the business center of London.
If you don’t know how much to pay for the ride, you ask the conductor
 (*ответ*) How much is it to ...?
 How can I get to ...?
 Will you put me down at Hide Park Corner?
 Do you get off at the next stop?
Mrs. Howard went to Washington… She hasn’t seen him for ages.
 (*ответ*) to see her brother.
 for a rest care.
 to attend a conference.
 on business.
Several boats ... in the strong wind.
 (*ответ*) turned over
 pulled over the curb
 carried on
 came back
The car ... a tree and turned over.
 (*ответ*) hit
They say that their departure will be ... for another few days.
 (*ответ*) put off
 turn up
 get on
 get off
When I come to a strange city, I ask a resident of the city:
 (*ответ*) Are there any places of interest in your city?
 Do you get off at the next stop?
 What are you going to do for your holiday?
 Have you anything to declare?
When you are in New York, don’t fail to visit Greenwich Village.
 (*ответ*) the artistic quarters of New York
 an amusement centre
 a big park
 the financial centre of the country
When you are in New York, don’t fail to visit Wall Street, which is…
 (*ответ*) the financial centre of the country.
 the Negro section of New York.
 the theatrical centre of the city.
 a green esplanade overlooking New York harbor.
Who is a waiter? Find the answer to the question.
 (*ответ*) an attendant who serves at a table in a restaurant
 a person who carries the luggage for travelers
 a passenger sitting in waiting hall
 a person who is waiting for another one
You should keep the ticket because it’s checked…
 (*ответ*) at the destination.
 by the conductor.
 while you are traveling (on the platform).
 at the entrance.
You’ll soon ... your illness.
 (*ответ*) get over
 get a move on
 turn over
 carry on
«Сarry on» means
 (*ответ*) to continue (to go on doing smth.)
 to push
 to reserve a place\ a seat in a restaurant
 to get away
«Refuge» means
 (*ответ*) shelter or protection from trouble, danger.
 strength, force.
 care taken in advance to avoid a risk.
 special favour or benefit.
«The proprietor» means
 (*ответ*) owner (of a hotel, store, land...)
 a person next below an abbot in rank
 a person who occupies a house, a room, an office
 head of religious order or house
«To enquire about smth» means
 (*ответ*) to ask questions about smth.
 to think of smth.
 to laugh at smth.
 to give smb. the responsibility for smth.
«To tip» means
 (*ответ*) to give (a driver, a waiter) a small gift of money
 to throw smth. into the air
 to feel with the fingers
 to make smb. suffer
«Еxpensive» means
 (*ответ*) which costs a lot of money
 very highly respected because of position
 a person who spends a lot of money
Сhoose the synonym to «route».
 (*ответ*) way
 upper deck
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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