Fill in the missing words. Then do the quiz.
• obsessed • go on • remark • vanity • fit
• unrealistic • staring • put on • changes
• focus • join
Are you body confident?
• You’ve 1) put on several pounds and there is a big party in ten days.
a I'll 2) go on an extreme diet, 3) join a gym, and lose the extra pounds or everyone will be 4) staring at the fat girl.
b It's unhealthy to lose a lot of weight in such a short period of time.
• You're watching a TV commercial with the Beckhams. You think...
a I want to look like them, thinner and taller.
b Please! TV adverts are 5) unrealistic! They sell 6) vanity!
• You overhear someone making a nasty 7) remark about your weight.
a They're right. I'm ugly and overweight,
b I don't pay attention to hurtful comments.
If you have more A s
You are 8) obsessed with your weight. Stop trying to change your body to 9) fit an unrealistic image. 10) Focus on the things you like about yourself.
If you have more B s
You have a healthy body image. You like yourself and the way you look and that makes others like you too. You're aware that as you grow, your body 11) changes too. Well done.
спросил 01 Окт, 17 от радмила в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1 put on
2 go on
3 join
4 staring
5 unrealistic
6 vanity
7 remark
8 obsessed
9 fit
10 Focus
11 changes
ответил 01 Окт, 17 от иринка

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