Read Jessica's letter and choose the correct word.
Dear Betty,
It's a 1)shame you didn't come with us to Sicily. But, to be honest, our trip was a bit of a disaster!
First of all, the place we stayed at was absolutely fantastic. We took lots of pictures and sunbathed. Unfortunately, I did overdo it this time and got 2)sunstroke. I felt so sick that I had to stay in my hotel room for the next two days.
When I felt better, we decided to go out for dinner in a small village near Palermo. We had a lovely time and the food was great! Unfortunately, on our way back we 3)lost our way. It was dark and the roads all looked the same. I admit we felt very 4)confused. Then, from out of nowhere, a passer-by appeared and gave us directions.
Our 5)bad luck that night didn't end there. On the way to the hotel, we heard a strange noise and the car stopped. We had a flat tyre! Jason quickly changed the tyre and after a long evening we finally returned safe and 6)sound.
Anyway, we tried not to let a few incidents 7)spoil the rest of our holiday.
Let me know if anything interesting happened while I was gone. Love, Vanessa
спросил 02 Окт, 17 от радмила в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1 shame
2 sunstroke
3 lost
4 confused
5 bad
6 sound
7 spoil
ответил 02 Окт, 17 от иринка

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