Complete the sentences with correct form of the words in bold.
Going places
As a travel writer, I've been to some of the most 1) amazing places on earth, and I’ve also attended some very 2) interesting local events and celebrations. This means that I’ve been to dozens of festivals, carnivals and parades all over the world. “Aren’t you 3) bored with going to all these celebrations? Don’t they all feel the same after you’ve been to twenty or thirty of them?” my friends ask me. The 4) surprising answer is no!
Every time I visit a new festival I feel 5) excited as if I’ve never been to a festival before. Festivals are not a 6) relaxing experience, but no matter how 7) exhausted I am after a day or days of celebrating, I’m always 8) pleased that I had the chance to experience the local culture of a place. It’s always 9) satisfying to know that the next event I go to, I’ll do new things and make new friends. And I’m never 10) disappointed; this is what always happens during these festive events!
спросил 02 Окт, 17 от радмила в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1 amazing (удивительный)
2 interesting (интересный)
3 bored (скучный)
4 surprising (поражающий)
5 excited (восторженность)
6 relaxing (расслабляющий)
7 exhausted (уставший)
8 pleased (доволен)
9 satisfying (доставляет удовольствие)
10 disappointed (разочарован)
ответил 02 Окт, 17 от иринка

Связанных вопросов не найдено

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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