Read and complete the gaps with the correct form of the word in brackets.
About us
ChildLine is a free, 24-hour confidential helpline that children and young people in the UK can call when they feel they have nowhere else to turn. Our 1,400 1)........(train) counsellors comfort, advise and protect children with a wide range of problems such as bullying, serious family problems and worries about friends. For over 20 years, we 2)........(save) children's lives, helping homeless young people 3)........(live) on the streets to find shelter, and simply giving hope to those who 4)........(think) no one cared.
Facts & Figures
•    Every day, 5)........(many) than 4,500 children and young people call ChildLine.
•    ChildLine has counselled around two million children and young people since 1986.
•    ChildLine receives almost three times as many calls from girls as from boys.
•    22% of callers are aged 5-11, 60% are aged 12-15 & 18% are aged 16-18.
•    About 550 teens per year call because of 6)........(press) from exams.
Get Involved
Help beat bullying: Sadly, bullying is the 7)........(common) problem that children call ChildLine about. We can send you an anti-bullying pack full of great activities, tips and ideas. Or why not fundraise for us during anti-bullying week and help us to raise money to answer calls from a further 1,000 children every day?
Start a peer support scheme: Young people can help each other! We can help you set up a 'peer support scheme' at your school and train volunteer pupils in 8)........(listen), empathy1 and problem-solving skills.
Help us take more calls: Only around half of the young people who call us every day get through. You can help by making a 9)........(donate) or even volunteering as a childline counsellor yourself.
спросил 04 Окт, 17 от радмила в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1 trained (тренированный)
2 have been saving (сохраняем, время Present Perfect Continuous, т.к. действие началось в прошлом, длилось какое-то время и все еще продолжается в настоящем, это подтверждает "for over 20 years")
3 living (живущие)
4 thought (думали)
5 more (больше)
6 pressure (давление)
7 most common (наиболее часты)
8 listening (слушая)
9 donation (пожертвование)
ответил 04 Окт, 17 от иринка

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