1) Which behaviour rules do British people follow? Use the words from the box to learn the meaning of the highlighted words.
give flowers to a man.
greet people with a kiss. They only kiss people who are close friends and relatives. They always kiss on one cheek.
say “Good appetite” to people who are having meals.
take their shoes off when they enter someone’s home.
give up the place on a bus in favour of older people.
keep a distance talking to a person. They stay an arm’s length away.
open a present in front of the person who gives it to them.
arrive at the exact time.
greet their friends as many times as they meet theiri during the day.
queue in line waiting for a bus or a service.
shake hands when they are first introduced to someone.
make way for older people.
give even or uneven number of flowers.
jump the queue.
talk loudly in public. It’s bad manners.
stare at anyone in public, ask about age.
to greet — приветствовать, здороваться
a cheek — щека
to enter — входить
to give up phr u — уступить
in favour of — в пользу (ко го-л.)
а length 1) длина 2) расстояние
exact — точный
to queue in line — стоять в очереди
а service — обслуживание, сервис
to shake hands — пожать друг другу руки
to make way for — дать дорогу, пропустить вперед
even — чётный
uneven нечётный
to jump the queue — пройти без очереди
a manner ['masna] — 1) манера (говорить, действовать) 2) pl (хорошие) манеры; умение держать себя
to stare at — смотреть пристально (на), глазеть
loudly — громко
public — публика, народ; in ~ публично
2) Put the rules in order of importance from your point of view.
3) Which rules do the Russians follow?
4) Which behaviour rules do/don’t you follow?