What are the changes in British eating habits?
Fill in the gaps in the article with the appropriate conjunction or linking word from ex. 2. More than one answer may be possible.
Eating in Britain
Visitors to Britain generally agreed about one thing — British cooking. "It's terrible!" they said. "You can cook vegetables in so many interesting ways. (0) But
the British cook vegetables for too long; (1)_________, they lose their taste." But
things have changed ...
Food has become very important in Britain. (2)_________, TV cooks are more
famous than writers and their recipe books are bestsellers.
Twenty years ago, British people usually ate at home. Today, (3)____ __, many
people eat out at least once a week in lots of different kinds of restaurants,
(4)__________French, Indian, Chinese, Thai ... People prefer "international" food,
(5)_________, pizza and curry.
More people are interested in healthy eating these days. (6)_________, a growing
number of people are becoming vegetarians. That is the good news. (7)_________,
there is also some bad news.
(8)_________ the British work harder and have less time, they are eating more
fast food. Even in the evening they eat their ready-made dinners in front of the TV. Meals are no longer family occasions.
спросил 02 Ноя, 17 от image в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1) as a result; 2) For this reason; 3) however; 4) such as; 5) for example; 6) Consequently; 7) On the other hand; 8) Since There may be other correct variants.
ответил 02 Ноя, 17 от aterk

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