Here is an article about the system of education in Canada. Choose the correct word a, b or с to fill the spaces in the sentences.
Most children (0) to public schools, which (1) _________ by the government,
though some children attend (2)_________ schools. There are some children who
(3)_________at home by their parents. These children (4)_________to be home
schooled. In general, Canadian children start their first grade when they are six years old; some of them attend kindergarten for one to two years before
Grade 1, it is (5)__________The school year runs (6)--------------September each
year _________June of the next year.
Students in high school begin to decide what they want to do with the rest of
their lives. In Grades 11 and 12, students in Ontario (7) -------------- to choose
from workplace preparation, university/college preparation, college preparation, and university preparation courses.
Students in almost all provinces and territories must attend school
(8) _________they are 16. But most students
stay (9) _________ till they get a diploma
after their 11th, 12th or 13th Grade depending on the province they are living in. After high school completion, students can choose to (10) ______________ their education in university, college or Cegep. Cegep is from French for College of General and Vocational
Education and it is between (11)_________of
university general studies or three years of vocational studies and high school.
спросил 02 Ноя, 17 от image в категории школьный раздел

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