Read about Buckingham Palace, one of the most popular attractions for tourists in London. For questions 1-17 fill in the gaps with опв suitable word.
Buckingham Palace, the best (0) known royal palace in the world, is
(1)__________in Central London. The palace takes (2)______name from the house
(3) __________ was built in 1703. Sixty years later it was bought by King
George III for his wife, Queen Charlotte and became known (4)--------the queen's
house. John Nash, the royal architect, (5)________it into a palace in the 1820s.
Victoria was the (6) _______ queen to live there (from 1837). In the palace there
(7)_______the Queen's Gallery which exhibits (8) ______from the royal art collection, (9)__________drawings by Leonardo da Vinci. The first floor balcony is
the scene of formal appearances by the Royal Family on important
(10)______________________Below it in the forecourt, the colourful ceremony
of Changing the Guard takes (11)__________regularly (generally every morning
from April to early August). (12) __________ Her Majesty the Queen is in residence, you can see the Union Jack above the palace. Traditionally closed to the
(13)__________, the State Rooms of the palace were (14)_____________________
to tourists during the summer months in the mid-1990s. The State Rooms of the palace are used for (15) _________________ heads of state and for holding ceremonies where Her Majesty and other (16) ___________ of the Royal Family give
official titles, honours and (17)___________
спросил 03 Ноя, 17 от image в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 03 Ноя, 17 от aterk

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