Listen to the conversation and choose the right sentence. Listen again and correct any mistakes.
a) Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time and the plane took off on time.
b)    Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time but the flight was delayed.
c)    Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time, but he had some problems getting through customs and had to wait for the next flight.
a) Allan forgot his suitcase somewhere in the airport in Moscow.
b)    Allan was late because it took him two hours to collect his luggage from the baggage reclaim.
c)    Allan took someone else's suitcase and had to go back to the airport.
a) The suitcases were confused because they were very much alike and didn't have any labels.
b) The suitcases were confuscd despite the fact that they were different colours.
c) The suitcases were confused despite the fact that they had labels with their owners' contact information.
a) Allan didn't manage to find his suitcase because he didn't know how to contact the person who had taken it.
b) Allan was lucky to get his suitcase back since the person who had taken it returned to the airport.
c) Allan returned to the airport and managed to find his suitcase at the baggage reclaim.
a) Allan had forgotten to label his suitcase before going to the airport.
b)    Allan said that he had never stuck any labels on his luggage and was not going to.
c)    Allan had never labelled his luggage before but promised to do it in the future.
спросил 08 Ноя, 17 от andro в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1 a)
2 c)
3 a)
4 b)
5 c)
ответил 08 Ноя, 17 от smarty

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