Read the following sentences. Fill in the gaps with some of the w ord combinations given in Ex. 11.
1 I have asked you many times not to slam the door when you come home. It looks as if you ... it on purpose.
2 I wouldn't trust John. He never ....
3 I am quite lucky that my parents ... about modern music and fashion.
4 It is always good ... all your paper work. Then you never lose anything.
5 It is not easy ... .They say you need ... first and then think about a promotion.
6 If you can't afford the university fees, you can always try and ... or ... later when you've got some more money and time.
7 My friend wants ... and start earning good money so that he can go travelling round the world one day.
8 It is very important for me ... in my English exams as I am hoping to go study abroad for a while.
9 Nobody believed he would enter the university. But he... and succceded at last.
10 It's very important for a scientist to ... and consider new ideas.
спросил 09 Ноя, 17 от andro в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1. keep doing
2. keeps his word
3. keep an open mind
4. to keep... together
5. to get a promotion: to get good experience
6. to get a student loan; get back to studying
7. to get a good job
8. to get good results
9. kept trying
10. have/keep an open mind
ответил 09 Ноя, 17 от smarty

Связанных вопросов не найдено

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