Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the words in CAPITAL LETTERS at the end of each line.
Making a career choice is one of the most difficult and most important) (0) decisions) we will ever make in our lives. It has to be made with much thought and deliberation. Moreover, career choices cannot be made based on just a few criteria alone. Your job may carry great monetary benefits and perks, but if you do not enjoy what you do then you are foolishly wasting a large part of your life. At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all satisfaction but no pay, things can get difficult.
Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to nowhere. We end up more confused than we were at the beginning. Then, the best way to deal with the dilemma is to) think about consulting a career counselor.
A career development professional will use various tools to help you evaluate your interests, personality, skills and values. He or she will then show you how all these things, combined, play a role in choosing a career. You can also learn about a career by interviewing people who are already in that profession.
Once you have all the information you need, list out all the pros and cons of that particular job. Look at the various alternatives. Check to see if the job gives you what you want from a career. Passion is the key word in selecting a career. Select something because you feel passionate about it, not because it is the latest thing in the job market.
спросил 11 Ноя, 17 от andro в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1 thought
2 benefits
3 foolishly
4 satisfaction
5 nowhere
6 confused
7 consulting
8 skills
9 alternatives
ответил 11 Ноя, 17 от smarty

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