Choose the right translation of "to look forward to".
 (*ответ*) предвкушать, ждать с нетерпением
 опережать события
 заглядывать в будущее
 смотреть вперёд
Choose the right translation of "to smuggle".
 (*ответ*) заниматься контрабандой
 заключать в тюрьму
 угонять самолёт
 платить штраф
Choose the synonim to "scales".
 (*ответ*) instrument for weighing
 geometrical shape with three sides and three angles
 printing signs showing speech
 mathematical diagram
Choose the synonim to "stewardess".
 (*ответ*) air-hostess
 a chambermaid
Choose the synonims to "duty free"
 (*ответ*) not liable to duty
 not obligatory
 informal, casual
 particular kind of freedom
Complete the sentence: "If you want to have your suit pressed or drycleaned, your shirt ironed you should ... .
 (*ответ*) ring for the maid
 ring for the desk-clerk
 enquire at the information desk
 notify the managment
Complete the sentence: "The stewardess asked the passengers ... and the plane took off.
 (*ответ*) to fasten their seat belts
 to show their tickets
 to fill in a form
 to stop talking
Fill in the blank with the appropriate words. "When all the passengers ... it took off.
 (*ответ*) boarded the plane
 had their tickets checked
 unfastened their seat belts
 left the plane
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) accomodation
 a service station
 a suite
 a double-room
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) a book-keeper
 a pageboy
 a desk-clerk
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) cloak-room
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) jam
 tennis court
 swimming pool
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) to declare
 to commit a crime
 to smuggle smth. in
 to hijack
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) to remind
 to crash
 to break
 to smash
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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