Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) to consume
 to check in
 to stay at
 to check out
Find the opposite to "vacant".
 (*ответ*) occupied
Find the opposite to the adjective "permanent".
 (*ответ*) temporary
 not expected to change
Find the opposite to the verb "to take off".
 (*ответ*) to land
 to end off
 to give up smth.
 to get over smth.
Give the synonim to "air-crash".
 (*ответ*) a collapse
 a craze
 a crack
 a crab
Give the synonim to "luggage".
 (*ответ*) baggage
I was booking accomodation by telephone. The desk-clerk was consulting the register and asked me...
 (*ответ*) to hold the line
 not to disturb him
 to call up in five minutes
 to hang up
If ... ask somebody else to fill in the form.
 (*ответ*) your handwriting is not good
 have too much luggage
 have no pen
 you are in a hurry
If you don't want to get dissapointed you should book accomodation
 (*ответ*) well in advance (beforehan.
 as soon as you arrive
 on the day of your arrival
 an hour before your arrival
If you want to change your room you'd better address ... .
 (*ответ*) the desk-clerk
 the manager
 the maid
 the information desk
In the lobby one can see:
 (*ответ*) an information office
 a service station
 tennis courts
 a police station
It's customary to tip the attendant
 (*ответ*) when leaving the hotel
 when checking-in
 every day
The clerk will...
 (*ответ*) enter your name into the register
 show you to your room
 take you up in the lift
 see to your luggage
The customs officer usually says:
 (*ответ*) "Have you got anything to declare?"
 "How do you do?"
 "Welcome to..."
 "How did you enjoy the trip?"
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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