The declaration form is to be filled in before you are going ...
 (*ответ*) through customs
 through security check
 to the departure lounge
 through passport control
The plane landed but before getting off the plane they...
 (*ответ*) filled in a declaration
 got their boarding cards
 fastened their seat belts
 had a snack
The receptionist asks you ...
 (*ответ*) to fill in a form
 to be careful not to omit anything concerning your profession
 to pay your bill daily
 to show him your personal belongings
When the sea is rough and one feels sea-sick, the best thing to do is:
 (*ответ*) to take some medicine
 stay at home
 to have a big meal
 to jump overboard
When you are ready to check out you tell ... to get your bill ready.
 (*ответ*) the receptionist
 the doorman
 the maid
 the porter
When your taxi stops at the entrance to the hotel ... helps you with your luggage.
 (*ответ*) the porter
 the desk-clerk
 the waiter
 the manager
Who is a waiter?
 (*ответ*) An attendant who serves at a table in a restaurant
 A passenger sitting in waiting hall
 A person who carries the luggage for travellers
 A person who is waiting for another one
... board a modern ocean liner you can have a wide choice of entertainment facilities.
 (*ответ*) On
... is a built-in bed in a train.
 (*ответ*) a berch
 a deck
 a log
 a bench
A little boy put his model boat into the water and it ... .
 (*ответ*) floated
Can you identify the trade of the following shop from it’s name? ‘La Gondola’ it’s a ... .
 (*ответ*) an Italian restaurant
 a hairdresser
 a dry-cleaning company
 a car hire company
Can you identify the trade of the following shop from it’s name? ‘Mothercare’ is a ... .
 (*ответ*) a shop selling things for children
 an Indian restaurant.
 a supermarket
 a travel agency
Can you tell me what time the doctor’s ... opens?
 (*ответ*) surgery
Could I have a ... of matches, please?
 (*ответ*) box
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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