Put all the ... into the back of the car.
 (*ответ*) luggage
That's a ..., isn't it? I think I saw this film a fortnight ago.
 (*ответ*) repeat
The ... began to whistle and shout when the player left.
 (*ответ*) spectators
The ... for tomorrow isn't too good.
 (*ответ*) forecast
The ball hit the ... and dropped to the ground.
 (*ответ*) net
The guests usually discuss the problems of every day life in the ...
 (*ответ*) studio
The individuals have their own ... and daily ...
 (*ответ*) habits, routines
 customs, traditions
 rules, life
 standards, habits
The mountain climbers were about to reach the top when the weather changed. Their ... became slower, they were ... for breath. They had to stop for a rest.
 (*ответ*) pace, painting
 track, turning up
 career, spinning
 stroke, quitting
The other people say they are ... and have no time for a hobby.
 (*ответ*) busy
 3. hurry
The player threw down his tennis ... because he disagreed on the result of the game and left a court.
 (*ответ*) racquet
The programme ... Radio 1 at twenty-five past two is for people who ... sailing.
 (*ответ*) on, are
The rain's going to ... across the country overnight.
 (*ответ*) spread
 give out
The tennis players have their competitions in the ...
 (*ответ*) court
There are frequent ... to Luxor from Cairo.
 (*ответ*) flights
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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Тест  прошел проверку
ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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