Jane’s blue dress ... the colour of her eyes.
 (*ответ*) fitted
Many people who go to see their bank manage have a ... problem.
 (*ответ*) cash flow
 petty cash
Mary asked the shopkeeper to put the vegetables in a ....
 (*ответ*) carrier bag
Meat may be:
 (*ответ*) rare, medium, well-done
 roast, medium, overcooked
 stewed, medium, baked
 raw, medium, overcooked
Mrs. Read has some ... Picasso sketches in her private collection. The ... premiums she has to pay are astronomical.
 (*ответ*) priceless, insurance
 worthy, insurance
 expensive, guarantee
 worthy, guarantee
Mrs. Taylor decided to buy a new coat by ... order, as she didn’t have time to look round the shops.
 (*ответ*) mail
Our grandparents’ tastes were different ... ours but nowadays ... seems to enjoy ... fat girls.
 (*ответ*) from; no one; looking at
 to; anybody; to look at
 that; none; to look
 than; anyone; looking
Pass me the salad ..., please.
 (*ответ*) dressing
Please make sure you have the correct change for the ... before ... the bus.
 (*ответ*) fare, boarding
 fee, boarding
 cost, using
 fee, taking
Remember to keep your ... in case you need to ask for a refund or replacement.
 (*ответ*) receipt
Royalties is ...
 (*ответ*) payments made to the writer of a book, a piece of music, out of the money made from selling that work.
 money you pay as a punishment for breaking the law.
 a more formal word for rich.
 the money you get from someone when they die.
Something bought cheaply or for less than usual price.
 (*ответ*) bargain
 duty free
That supermarket carries a wide ... of goods.
 (*ответ*) range
The accommodation was cheap, but the food was very ....
 (*ответ*) dear
The cost of moving goods from one place to another.
 (*ответ*) carriage
The dish had a very interesting taste as it was ... with lemon.
 (*ответ*) flavoured
The money you pay to travel by plane, train etc.
 (*ответ*) fare
The most delicious dishes in the UK are:
 (*ответ*) Yorkshire pudding, Lancashire Hot-Pot
 Fish & chips, shepherd’s pie
 botvinya, okroshka, ham, eggs and chips
 Rice pudding, overcooked vegetables
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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