Find the different word from the list below.
 (*ответ*) bestseller
Find the different word from the list below.
 (*ответ*) calmness
Find the different word from the list below.
 (*ответ*) detergent
Find the different word from the list below.
 (*ответ*) tramp
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) scenery
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) book-keeper
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) performance
 electronic music
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) hit
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) orchestra
Find the different word.
 (*ответ*) printer
Find the opposite to the adjective “a sound film”.
 (*ответ*) a mute film
 a science film
 a feature film
 a puppet film
Find the opposite to the adjective “stupid”.
 (*ответ*) clever
Find the opposite to the adjective “ugly”.
 (*ответ*) beautiful
Find the opposite to “tabloids”.
 (*ответ*) broadsheets
 popular papers
Give the opposite to “the play was a failure”.
 (*ответ*) the play was a success
 the play turned out a frost
 the play was boring to death
 the play was awful
In London you can hear opera in ... .
 (*ответ*) Covent Garden
 Hyde Park
 Fleet Street
 Carnegie Hall
“Advertise” means:
 (*ответ*) to publicize smth. , to show smth. that is for sale
 to make an examination of goods
 to give smb. advice as to selling things
 help smb. to go shopping
“Benefit” means:
 (*ответ*) profit
“Broadcast” means:
 (*ответ*) to send out a program on radio or TV
 to take up a space of time
 to make a wide screen film
 to engage a great number of actors
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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