“Chat” means:
 (*ответ*) casual friendly talk
 meeting of heads of firms to discuss business
 huge crack in the ground
 legal document giving rights of privileges
“Entertainment” means:
 (*ответ*) amusement
“Human interest” stories means:
 (*ответ*) sex and scandal
 concerning the humanities
 funny things
 humorous anecdotes
“Media” means:
 (*ответ*) means of communicating information which reaches a large number of people
 the common people
 mythical creature, half woman and half fish
 a person held to be a channel of communication with a world of spirits
“Thriller” means:
 (*ответ*) exciting film, usually about crime
 person who reads criminal news on TV
 person who has committed a murder
 legal killing of person sentenced to death
”Reviewer” means:
 (*ответ*) person who writes opinions of books/plays/films
 a person who reads text to correct misprints
 a person who rewrites his old plays
 a person who is paid to try to find out what a rival firm is planning to do
A crazy person is referred to as:
 (*ответ*) a loon
 a duck
 a goose
 an owl
All of the following mean to be angry except:
 (*ответ*) tipsy
 to go off the deep end
 to fly off the handle
 to see red
An inexperienced person is called wet behind the _.
 (*ответ*) ears
An old man is referred to as:
 (*ответ*) a coot
 a cuckoo
 a turkey
 a chicken
Another way of saying that I don’t understand something would be:
 (*ответ*) I can’t make head nor tail of it.
 It’s on the tip of my tongue.
 I can’t get a word in edgeways.
 I’m racking my brains.
Another way of saying that I don’t understand something would be:
 (*ответ*) I haven’t a clue.
 I’ve lost my train of thought.
 It’s on the tip of my tongue.
 I’m caught between two stools.
Ask Kostya to help you move the furniture. He’s as strong as:
 (*ответ*) a horse.
 a gorilla.
 an elephant.
 a cupboard.
Do you mind if I give you my decision tomorrow? I’d like to _.
 (*ответ*) sleep on it.
 take it to heart.
 pass the buck.
 read between the lines.
Ever since I’ve given up smoking I feel as fit as:
 (*ответ*) a fiddle.
 an athlete.
 a frog.
 a fighter.
From the moment they first met they got along like:
 (*ответ*) two peas in a pod.
 a house on fire.
 fish and chips.
Getting a problem off your _ is the first stage to being able to solve it.
 (*ответ*) chest
He is drunk almost every night. He drinks like a _.
 (*ответ*) fish
He usually smokes one pack of cigarettes a day, but when he’s nervous he smokes like:
 (*ответ*) a chimney.
 a fish.
 a steam engine.
 a forest fire.
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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