He wanted one more _ before settling down and getting married.
 (*ответ*) final fling
 joyful jump
 happy hop
 last leap
I always get _ in my stomach before visiting the dentist.
 (*ответ*) butterflies
I caught the last bus to town by the skin of my _.
 (*ответ*) teeth.
I don’t understand mathematics. I haven’t the _ idea about arithmetic.
 (*ответ*) foggiest
I have been working every day for the last month and I am now _.
 (*ответ*) dog tired
 stark naked
 dead straight
 bone idle
I know times have been bad lately, but keep your _ up; things will soon be better.
 (*ответ*) chin
I think I’ll go stretch my _. I’ve been sitting down all morning and feel a bit stiff.
 (*ответ*) legs
I was _ with envy when my neighbor drove up in a new Jaguar.
 (*ответ*) green
If I am «jumping down someone’s throat,» I am:
 (*ответ*) speaking angrily to someone.
 trying to understand something you’ve said.
 waiting patiently.
 helping someone.
If I say something that I didn’t intend on saying, I put my foot in my _.
 (*ответ*) mouth.
If it is raining heavily, we say:
 (*ответ*) It’s raining cats and dogs.
 It’s raining buckets.
 It’s raining fish.
 It’s raining cats and rats.
If I’ve bitten off more than I can chew, I have:
 (*ответ*) taken on more responsibilities than I can do.
 none of these.
 very poor table manners.
 put too much food on my plate.
If someone can never make up his/her mind, we say that he/she is _.
 (*ответ*) wishy-washy
If someone is annoying, distracting or making you angry we might say:
 (*ответ*) You’re driving me up the wall.
 You’re banging your head against a brick wall.
 You’re giving the game away.
 You’re like water off a duck’s back.
If someone is very irritable, we say he/she _ .
 (*ответ*) has a bee in his/her bonnet
 is holding his horses
 is head over heels
 has the gift of gab
If someone says that all of your dogs aren’t barking, what they meant was:
 (*ответ*) You are crazy.
 None of these.
 You are not very energetic.
 You are not home.
If someone thinks that your idea is ridiculous they might say that you «are off your _.»
 (*ответ*) rocker
If something is boring it is considered:
 (*ответ*) hum-drum
If something is very easily done, we say _.
 (*ответ*) it is a piece of cake
 it is better late than never
 we have our cake and eat it
 it is a red rag to a bull
If something is very useful it is _.
 (*ответ*) handy-dandy
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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