If we are on the same wavelength, we:
 (*ответ*) understand one another.
 able to function as ordinary people.
 don’t understand one another.
 are repeating one another.
If we don’t believe what someone is saying (or don’t understand), we say that it is _.
 (*ответ*) mumbo-jumbo
If we receive information directly from its source and not hearsay, we say:
 (*ответ*) I got it straight from the horse’s mouth.
 You took it right from my mouth.
 It rang a bell.
 I heard it on the grapevine.
If we want to know the real reason or explanation in detail, we ask for the _.
 (*ответ*) nitty-gritty
If you are extremely happy about something you may be considered:
 (*ответ*) tickled pink.
 tickled white.
 tickled blue.
 tickled yellow.
If you are not able to do something, then we might say that you can’t cut the _.
 (*ответ*) mustard
If you are scared enough, you might get the _.
 (*ответ*) heebie-jeebies
If you are the only one in the family who works, you bring home the _.
 (*ответ*) bacon
If you are very clumsy you may be called:
 (*ответ*) all thumbs.
 off color.
If you are very short of money, you are _.
 (*ответ*) living on a shoestring.
 feathering your nest.
 down in the dumps.
 past your prime.
If you are young and inexperienced in something you may be considered:
 (*ответ*) wet behind the ears.
 black and blue all over.
 all thumbs.
 long in the tooth.
If you severely beat someone, you have «cleaned his/her _.»
 (*ответ*) clock
 kitchen sink
If you talk shop with someone you are:
 (*ответ*) talking about work.
 talking about nothing important.
 trying to buy something in a store at a good price.
 talking about going shopping.
If you were told in a restaurant that the soup had been «86’d,» you would understand that:
 (*ответ*) There is no more soup.
 The soup is very spicy.
 The soup is not very tasty.
 The soup is cold.
If you work day and night and are extremely busy and don’t sleep you «are burning the _ at both ends.»
 (*ответ*) candle
If your friend is always exaggerating and not telling the truth, and tells you that he is going to become president in three years, you might respond using the following idiom:
 (*ответ*) I take that with a pinch of salt.
 It’s better to be safe than sorry.
 You’re putting the cart before the horse.
 There’s no use crying over spilt milk.
I’m starting a new profession. I am _.
 (*ответ*) turning over a new leaf.
 letting the cat out of the bag.
 popping the question.
 spilling the beans.
I’ve lived in Moscow my entire life and know the Metro like the back of my _.
 (*ответ*) hand
John and Mary will get married in March. He _ last week.
 (*ответ*) popped the question to her
 put her in deep water
 put her in the bag
 spilled the beans to her
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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