Many teachers are very angry with students who are noisy. How would you describe teachers who never lose their temper?
 (*ответ*) Cool as a cucumber.
 Proud as a peacock.
 Cool as a mule.
 Like a cat on a hot tin roof.
Martha: «I bought a new hat today for $25.» George: «That cost too much! You can forget about traveling around Europe this year; we can’t afford such purchases!» Which statement fits?
 (*ответ*) George is making a mountain out of a molehill.
 George is as brown as a berry.
 George is like a cat on a hot tin roof.
 George is calling a spade a spade.
Mary accidentally told me about my «surprise» birthday party. She _.
 (*ответ*) Spilled the beans, let the cat out of the bag and didn’t keep it under her hat.
 didn’t keep it under her hat.
 let the cat out of the bag.
 spilled the beans.
Masha asked me to find her passport. I looked all over the house, called her friends and even went to her work. I couldn’t find it anywhere. Masha had her passport all the time and said she had lost her passport as a joke. What did Masha do to me?
 (*ответ*) All of these (the other answers).
 She gave me the slip.
 She pulled the wool over my eyes.
 She sent me on a wild goose chase.
My friend told me that I couldn’t possibly get a «5» on my examination; however, I did. I’m going to make him _.
 (*ответ*) eat his words.
 spill the beans.
 pop the question.
 toe the line.
My grandfather has lost all of his hair. He’s as bald as _.
 (*ответ*) a coot.
 a post.
 a bat.
My sister is a wet _. She’s always spoiling everyone’s fun.
 (*ответ*) blanket
One quantity of lettuce is called a _ of lettuce.
 (*ответ*) head
She had a sweet _ and couldn’t resist buying chocolates all the time.
 (*ответ*) tooth
She is always buying presents for herself and all her friends. She spends money like _.
 (*ответ*) water
She was so tired last night that she slept like _ until 10:00 this morning.
 (*ответ*) a log
 a zombie
 a squirrel
Sometimes it is better to tell a _ lie than to hurt someone’s feelings.
 (*ответ*) white
The cake was _ when it first came out of the oven.
 (*ответ*) piping hot
 dog tired
 soaking wet
 stark naked
Vodka and orange juice served with ice is called a _.
 (*ответ*) screwdriver
 monkey wrench
We couldn’t watch last night’s movie because our television:
 (*ответ*) was on the blink.
 missed the boat.
 went to pieces.
 was out of hand.
We have been working _ in order to finish the project on time.
 (*ответ*) hand over fist
 hand in glove
 hand in hand
 head over heels
What is a baby frog called?
 (*ответ*) a tadpole
 a fry
 a brit
 a squab
What is a baby goose called?
 (*ответ*) a gosling
 a cygnet
 a cheeper
What is a baby kangaroo called?
 (*ответ*) a joey
 a kit
 a kid
 a fawn
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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