What is a baby swan called?
 (*ответ*) a cygnet
 a fledgling
 a gosling
 a spat
What is a group of crows called?
 (*ответ*) a murder
 a knot
 a pod
 a clowder
What is a group of fish called?
 (*ответ*) a school
 a skulk
 a paddling
 a barren
What is a group of geese called?
 (*ответ*) a gaggle
 a school
 a leap
 a bed
What is a group of lions called?
 (*ответ*) a pride
 a troop
 a crash
 a colony
What is a group of whales called?
 (*ответ*) a gam
 a covey
 a school
 a plump
When a business loses money, it is in the _.
 (*ответ*) red
When a business makes a profit, it is in the _.
 (*ответ*) black
Which of the following does NOT mean to eat?
 (*ответ*) to get stiffed
 to scarf
 to inhale
 to chow down
Which of the following means «to drink?»
 (*ответ*) to chugalug, to knock back and to nibble.
 to nibble
 to knock back
 to chugalug
You’re very popular, of course you’ll win the contest. It’s as plain as:
 (*ответ*) the nose on your face.
 a bell.
 the knob on your door.
 a pancake.
«A flash in the pan» means:
 (*ответ*) fashionable for a very short time.
 to look like someone.
 to beat someone senseless.
 a newly bought pot.
«Drunk as a skunk» means:
 (*ответ*) You are very drunk.
 You smell and need a bath.
 You are very tired.
 You are extremely happy.
«George told my boss that I was ugly and useless» could be expressed:
 (*ответ*) Аll of these.
 hitting below the belt.
 talking behind my back.
 a stab in the back.
«Happy as a clam» means:
 (*ответ*) You are very happy.
 You are very wet.
 You are very quiet.
 You are very sad.
«Hurry up, Yuri! We’re going to be late!» «All right, keep your _ on! I’m coming!»
 (*ответ*) hair
«I bumped into John yesterday at the store» would best be translated:
 (*ответ*) Yesterday I met John by chance.
 I shot John in the store yesterday.
 Yesterday I wasn’t paying attention and walked right into John.
 John and I had a car accident yesterday.
«I got cold feet before my performance on stage» means:
 (*ответ*) I changed my mind and didn’t perform.
 I became ill before my performance.
 I was scared and nervous but performed anyway.
 I forgot my socks at home.
«I’m feeling a bit under the weather» would best be translated:
 (*ответ*) I feel slightly ill.
 The weather is influencing my health.
 I feel like the weather.
 I feel a bit sad.
спросил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 30 Июль, 16 от Ольга

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