Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Aurelius asked Dorigen to become his lover she …
 (*ответ*) refused him saying that she would never betray her husband
 agreed to become his lover providing that her husband would never get to know it
 ordered him to go away of their place
 accepted his proposal, the more so as her husband was away
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen learnt that the rocks vanished from man’s sight she …
 (*ответ*) was astonished, she never thought she would fall in such a trap
 was happy to have a chance to keep her promise
 was glad because she hated these rocks
 wasn’t surprised because she had heard of such miracles
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Dorigen told her husband what promise she had once given to Aurelius, Arveragus … .
 (*ответ*) bade her to hold her troth
 pretended as if nothing had happened
 forbade her to hold her troth
 was furious and bade Dorigen to get away of their house
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. When Sir Thopas came to the country of Fairy he met there … .
 (*ответ*) a giant, named Sir Oliphaunt
 his army
 his father
 an elf-queen
Choose the only right variant to complete the sentence. Wretch Aurelius laid more than …. in languor and in torment.
 (*ответ*) two years
 two months
 a year
 three years
'By pure chance' means
 (*ответ*) accidentally
 directed towards a specific end
 with a definite purpose
 intentionally, deliberately
'Enduring' means
 (*ответ*) lasting, permanent, durable
 attractive, charming
 unmanageable, mischievous
 vigorous, forceful
'Impenetrable' means
 (*ответ*) unreceptive to ideas, impressions, influences etc.
 without regret or shame
 that cannot feel pain
 not finished or complete
'Imperishable' means
 (*ответ*) indestructible, immortal
 not showing human feelings
 fleeting, temporary
 urgent, imperative
'Impervious' means
 (*ответ*) not affected by
 not suitable to the circumstances
 absolutely necessary, urgent
 without regret, shame or remorse
'Merely' means
 (*ответ*) no more than; and nothing else
 too much
'Scrap' is
 (*ответ*) a small piece, bit, fragment
 a thin, stunned tree or plant
 a statement in defence or justification
 a large number of smth.
'To dangle' means
 (*ответ*) to hang loosely
 to have courage for
 to move suddenly and fast
 to strike with violence
'To toil' means
 (*ответ*) to move with painful afford or difficulty
 to leave or get out, esp. in a hurry
 to climb or crawl hurriedly
 to hurry
'Vocation' is
 (*ответ*) occupation
 a collection of smth.
 favorite pastime, hobby
 a period of rest and freedom from work
спросил 31 Июль, 16 от Мариша в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 31 Июль, 16 от Мариша

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