Christ the Saviour has a long and tragic history.
What is special about its history? For questions 1—14, choose the correct answer (a, b, or c).
The cathedral of Christ the Saviour (0)   was built   in the 19th century. The
money for it (1) ________________ by ordinary people. The cathedral was the
monument to the victory of the Russians over (2)__________Napoleon's army in
the   Patriotic   war   of   1812.   The   cathedral   (3)   _____________   in   1839   by
(4) _______ Russian architect Konstantin Thon. It (5) was ____                   _ by
(6)______famous painters. Construction work
(7)_______________in 1883, In the 1930s the
cathedral (8)_______________. They wanted to
build (9) ________ Palace of Soviets on the
place of the magnificent cathedral but during the     Great     Patriotic     War     those     plans
(10)   _________________.   After   the   war   a
swimming pool (11)_____________there. But
the cathedral was still in the hearts of many Russians. On the 7th of January, 1995 the new Cathedral        of         Christ         the         Savior
(12)   ______________   and   in   two   years   it
(13)________________. Today the magnificent
cathedral (14)______________by thousands of people.
0    a was destroyed               b  was built                     с was restored
1     a was collected                b  is collected                  с were collected
2     a the                                b  а                                  с —
3     a started                          b  is started                     с was started
4    a a                                   b  the                               с —
5    a restored                        b  built                            с decorated
6    a —                                 b  the                               с а
7     a will be finished            b  is finished                   с was finished
8    a is destroyed                  b  was destroyed              с destroyed
9    a a                                   b  the                               с —
10     a destroyed                      b  were destroyed            с was destroyed
11     a can appear                    b  appeared                      с had appeared
12     a was restored                 b  was started                  с was built
13    a was completed              b  was invented               с was decorated
14     a will be visited              b  visits                           с is visited
спросил 01 Ноя, 17 от image в категории школьный раздел

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