Each country or region has its symbols and emblems.
1} Read about Russia's national symbols. Fill in the gaps in the text with the words from the box in the correct form. You can use the words more than once.
The National Coat of Arms (герб) of the Russian Federation (two-headed eagle) is an official (0) State symbol of the Russian Federation. The two heads of the eagle symbolise that Russia
(1)_________________of two parts — European and Asian, and
they are of equal importance for the country. The three crowns
above the eagle's heads (2)________       _____ the sovereignty
(суверенитет) of the Russian Federation and its parts, the subjects (субъект) of the Federation.
The  (3)_________________ Flag  of  the  Russian   Federation
is    an    official    (4)__________________    of    state    power.    The    tricoloured
Russian national flag (5)_________________of three equal horizontal stripes —
white,  blue  and  red.   The  lower red  stripe (6)_________________the   Earth,
the   blue   stripe —   the   sky,   and   the   upper   white   stripe   means   the   world
of God.  At  the same  time,   according to the Russian  (7)__________________,
white colour means nobility (благородство), blue — honesty, red — courage and love.
спросил 02 Ноя, 17 от image в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1) is made up; 2) symbolise; 3) State; 4) symbol; 5) is made up; 6) symbolises; 7) tradition
ответил 02 Ноя, 17 от aterk

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