Read through the following sentences, cross the wrong word(s) in each sentence and write the correct one(s) in the space provided. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0) At school Shelley only liked English and Hiotory.   
1) Shelley's hobby was music and she spent a lot of time going to play in bands.   
2) Shelley was trying to get into radio so she didn't read a lot.   
3) At school Shelley got her experience in home radio.   
4) Then she got work experience at the regional BBC station and the local commercial station.   
5) That's where Shelley started writing for new bulletins.   
6) Shelley knew that to get into radio news you had to listen to be a radio fan.   
7) But her granddad wanted her to be a lawyer.   
8) On Red Nose Radio in Lancashire Shelley worked as a broadcast journalist.   
9) Among others Shelley has been a reader of the Guinness Book of Records.   
10) She also worked for a news service that puts bulletins on websites.   
11) Now Shelley works for the Round the News website.   
12) Shelley thinks that the best thing about working in the media is shift work.   
13) Shelley thinks that if a person is not going to go to college then she or he should have to do a lot of experiments.   
14) Shelley really likes reading stuff enjoyable and understandable for kids.
спросил 02 Ноя, 17 от image в категории школьный раздел

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ответил 02 Ноя, 17 от aterk

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