Johanna Martin writes articles and reports for her school newspaper.
Replace the words in brackets in Johanna's article with the appropriate words from the box.
I just (0) entered (started to learn at) high school and noticed that many of my
fellow students were not (1)________._____ (encouraged) to learn at all. I am
one of a few who try to (2) ___________ (get) A's in my classes, but I am
sometimes (3)_____________ (thought to be) boastful. My message to these
students is this: grow up. You are (4) —____________ (given) free education
and you are lucky to get it. Since you are not taking the (5)--------------------
(chance) of this, you don't really earn it. Still, you ignore it by not (6)
_________ (doing) your homework and arguing with teachers. You aren't
going to achieve anything with your life when you (7)-------------------- (leave)
school.                                                  You                                                  are
(8)________ (inspired) for be a success but you do not use your chance.
I'm sure it is possible to (9) _____(make better) your learning results
and have fun too. For many teenagers all over the world education is not available and they can't (10)_____________(go to) school. Not everyone can become
an (11)_____________ (excellent) sportsman or film star, the rest of us have
to work to (12) _____________: (succeed) in life. So, I (13)_____________
(advise) you to stop wasting people's money and time and (14)___________
(think about) your attitude before it's too late.
спросил 03 Ноя, 17 от image в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса


ответ к заданию по английскому языку:

ответил 03 Ноя, 17 от aterk

Связанных вопросов не найдено

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

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