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The Mayan Civilisation is not the only one society which has fallen apart because of natural disasters. Severe floods and intense droughts are still catastrophic to people and sometimes make them change their lifestyle completely in response to changes in the environment.
Like the civilisations of the past we are very vulnerable to climate and environmental changes. Nowadays environmentalists worry a lot about the desertisation in China. The Chinese civilization is one the oldest and most sophisticated in the contemporary world. It has survived through different natural disasters but now has to fight one more. The point is that due to human activity and unskilled farming some lands are turning into desert and the process, if not stopped, can cause catastrophic consequences.
спросил 11 Ноя, 17 от andro в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1 disasters
2 intense
3 in response to
4 civilisation
5 natural
6 desert
ответил 11 Ноя, 17 от smarty

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