Read the interview and put the events in the correct order.
1 Kelly found a job in a factory.
2 Kelly found a job in a laundry of a hotel.
3 Kelly's neighbours moved out.
4 Kelly moved to a flat on a main road.
5 Kelly decided to leave the country.
6 Kelly moved to a block of flats.
Journalist: Today we're focusing on the problem of noise — noise at home and noise at work. Medical experts agree that there are definite links between noise and stress levels... the noisier the environment, the more stress you are likely to experience. And it's even worse when a person has to live and work in noisy environments. This is Kelly Emerson's problem...
Kelly: .. .the first place I lived in when I moved here was really terrible. It was on a main road... and I was used to living in the country. There were lots of cars and lorries passing by the front door all day and night. Because of this I decided to move, but things got much worse...
Journalist: Kelly moved from her house on the main road to a block of flats. It was next to a park, so it should have been quieter, but it wasn't.
Kelly: .. .the problem in the next place was the neighbours... the people directly upstairs from me. They played music all night long and got very annoyed when I asked them to stop. The police used to come round two or three times a week, but they only stopped for a few minutes and then set off again even louder. I mean... the problem for me was that there was no break. It was noisy where I lived and noisy where I worked.
Journalist: Kelly was working in a laundry of a hotel, the only job that she could find when she left school, and decided at the same time to move away from her home town. She was advised to look for a job in a quieter environment.
Kelly: ... it was very well telling me to get a quieter job. If you've got qualifications, you can do what you like. If you're not qualified, you've got to take what you can get. Anyway, I did what the doctor told me... I left the laundry and went to work in a factory. It was bringing in less money, but it was quieter.
Journalist: Kelly was lucky enough to move to a really modern factory where the work involved assembling car stereos. The change she experienced was remarkable.
Kelly: I used to feel a pain in my back and my shoulders while I was working in the laundry. I didn't realise it was stress. After a week at the factory, I really felt much better. I suddenly noticed that the pain had gone. Then I started feeling more energetic and I didn't feel so tired at the end of the day. I mean... the difference was quite incredible.
Journalist: But there was still the problem of the noisy neighbours. Fortunately for Kelly, a change was about to take place.
Kelly: My neighbours moved out. It's much quieter now. The new people in the flat upstairs make less noise than I do. They're so quiet. I think they must tiptoe everywhere. When I think about the way things were, the contrast is incredible. There's really no comparison.
спросил 11 Ноя, 17 от andro в категории школьный раздел

решение вопроса

1. Kelly decided to leave the country. (Келли решила уехать из загорода).
2. Kelly found a job in a laundry of a hotel. (Келли нашла работу в прачечной отеля).
3. Kelly moved to a flat on a main road. (Келли переехала в квартиру на главной дороге).
4. Kelly moved to a block of flats. (Келли переехала в многоквартирный дом).
5. Kelly found a job in a factory. (Келли нашла работу на фабрике).
6. Kelly's neighbours moved out. (Соседи Келли переехали).
ответил 11 Ноя, 17 от smarty

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